Digitalization is the digital transformation of the economy, achieved through an interaction of digital technologies such as cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), etc. with physical ICT infrastructure.

This can lead to significant advancements, such as the development of smart machines, smart platforms and digital products.

This digital economy is supported by an enabling environment comprising ‘digital skills’; ‘policies and regulations’ that encourage development of ICT, innovation, digital business models etc.; and ‘digital accelerators’ such as public–private partnerships and behavioral and cultural aspects of the economy.”

- Digitalization and the Future of Manufacturing in Africa, KARISHMA BANGA & DIRK WILLEM te VELDE 2018


“Just ten countries account for 90% of all global patents, and 70% of all exports, directly associated with the advanced digital production (ADP) technologies that are driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution. …most African countries currently have little or no involvement in advanced innovation, be it as consumers or producers.”

UNIDO Fourth Industrial Revolution: how latecomers and laggards can catch up:

For Africa to take advantage of the leap-frogging capability in development that the Fourth Industrial Revolution offers, it must invest in creating advanced technological and industrial capabilities.

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